Potatolemon - Layers a...

Potatolemon - Layers and Networks
Previously on Potatolemon… Read

Potatolemon - Neuron W...

Potatolemon - Neuron Weights
Previously on Potatolemon… Read

Potatolemon - Logistic...

Potatolemon - Logistic Activation Function
Introduction Read

Death by Proxy

Death by Proxy
tl:dr; Corporate proxies suck, I made a thing based on other things to make it suck less: https://github.com/qichaozhao/win-auth-proxy Read

How Computers Work - P...

How Computers Work - Part 2
Part 1 Read

How Computers Work - P...

How Computers Work - Part 1
Stop and think about this for a second. Do you really know how a computer works? I mean, really really? Read

Text Understanding fro...

Text Understanding from Scratch
Machine Learning as a whole has now been officially outed by xkcd as nothing more than a slushy pile of linear algebra, where data goes in, math happens, and... Read

Speeding up Python

Speeding up Python
This week at work, I hit a performance brick wall with python, which therefore gave me an excuse to dive into the interesting world of code optimisation. Read


Hello world, Read